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City Launched $135,000 ETOD Pilot Program to Advance Community-Driven ETOD


Interested ETOD Pilot Program participants have until July 21st, 2021 to submit a project proposal.

On Thursday, June 17th, 2021, the ETOD community received another well-earned victory. The City of Chicago Plan Commission approved the City’s first ETOD Policy Plan, a plan that “…centers communities of color and racial equity in development near transit’ says Roberto Requejo of Elevated Chicago.

The very next day, the City showcased its enthusiasm for the ETOD Policy Plan by releasing a press release that announced a new program geared toward implementing the City’s plan. This program was announced as the City of Chicago’s ETOD Pilot Program.

Launched on June 22nd, 2021, the City’s ETOD Pilot Program will grant $135,000 to projects that promote equity and carry out ETOD Policy plan priorities. Projects under communities’ leadership and direction will be prioritized. Up to $20,000 of additional funding will be provided by Elevated Chicago and Enterprise Community Partners for certain equity projects, particularly those that emphasize community engagement and ownership.

Learn more about your chance to advance community-driven ETOD through the City’s ETOD Pilot Program and ETOD Policy Plan by viewing the City’s recent press release on the pilot program here.

Pilot Program Press Release


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